Meet the GULLIBLE Artist: Laura Alice

Hi Laura! What is your creative process? How did you create your piece/s for GULLIBLE?
I am a printmaker predominantly, but I also illustrate, draw, collage and paint too! My Gullible print is screen printed, my favourite process. It is printed in two layers, the first being a colour blend to get more colours in there! The positives for the screen were hand drawn from my sketches.

What or who is your biggest creative influences?
My biggest inspiration is nature and birds in particular. I love the textures and colours found in nature and interpret these through my work. There are no specific creative influences on my work, but I'm a fan of both traditional folky style printmaking and bold mid-century prints.

If you weren’t a creative, what would your ideal job be?
That's a tough one! As a kid I wanted to be an archaeologist or a geologist, both of which would allow me to embrace my nerdiness. I love history and rocks. Or maybe a rock star ha ha! (I do play in a band?!)

GULLS…love them, hate them, terrified of them..?!
I think they're beautiful, so slick and handsome! But I have to admit, they're pretty intimidating if you're eating chips at the seaside 😅